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About Ginger


진저에 대해선 몇 가지 좋은 기억이 있다.

신혼여행에서, 싱가폴에서 실컷 구경하고 인도네시아 빈탄의 리조트에 도착했을 때 리셉션에서 준 웰컴 드링크가 시원한 진저티였다. 더위가 싹 가시며 휴식의 시작을 알려줬던 그 진저티는 오래도록 기억에 남는다.

두번째는 에든버러에서 런던으로 가던 Eastcoast의 기차 일등석이었다. 가는 길 내내 원하는 만큼 차와 쿠키, 샌드위치 등등 끝없이 내주길래 신나서 시도해본 무알콜 진저에일,, 에일이란건 그저 술이려니 했는데 작은 캔으로 나온 그 진한 진저에일은 참 맛있었다. 나중에 슈퍼마켓에서 시도해본 어떤 것보다 그게 제일 맛있었다.

세번째는 포르토벨로에서 집주인의 집에 저녁 초대를 받아서 갔을 때 마셔본 음료수가 맛나길래 동네 슈퍼마켓에서 찾다가 발견한 슈웹스 진저에일. 엄청 큰 병에 아주 싼 가격이길래 별 기대없이 사먹어봤고, 낮아진 기대에는 그럭저럭 부응해주었었다. 정작 재밌던 건, 한국 와서 티비를 보는데 슈웹스 광고가 나오면서 피어스 브로스넌이 나와서 프리미엄 음료수라고 말하는 것이 재밌었다. 내게 슈웹스는 슈퍼마켓 구석에 있던 양 많고 싼 음료수였는데.. 어쨌든 나를 따라 한국에 들어온 슈웹스 덕분에 종종 마시고 있으니 좋은 일이다.


I have several good memories about ginger.

While on honeymoon at 2008, I just arrived at a resort in Bintan, Indonesia after exciting days in Singapore looking around many places and walking a lot everyday. The air was very warm and also very humid as a typical weather of South-East Asia, so Eunyoung and I were a little bit exhausted when we entered a reception of the resort because of  long journey from Korea to Singapore to Bintan. Then, they gave us a cup of iced ginger tea with lemon as a welcome drink. It was a perfect drink for us so that it made us to feel fresh and to recognize the rest is going to start from that moment. Naturally, the ginger tea became a significant memory of my honeymoon.

The second is in a first class at East Coast train from Edinburgh to London. I and Eunyoung had been fully enjoying a service of first class such as tea, cookie, sandwiches, and so on. Eventually I tried to ginger ale without alcohol as it was free. I had thought that ale have alcohol so I can’t drink at all but it hadn’t! It was a short and small canned ginger ale but its taste was over than my expectation. I ordered it again so that I could drink it on a street of London. I sometimes tried to get ginger ale without alcohol since that experience, I couldn’t find a good one as much as the ginger ale so far.

The third, the last is Schweppes ginger ale. Nicola, the landlord were invited me and Eunyoung for supper and she asked me which I would drink. She had wide range of beverage from wine to cider and I chose one of them: I forgot the name of that, however, since the great supper with Nicloa and Paul I tried to find some good beverage so that I could enjoy from time to time. I was sure that most of them were not selling in Korea, I just wanted to try anything good which I could find in Edinburgh. While I was searching any good beverage in Scotmid, there was a big and cheap Schweppes ginger ale plastic bottle on the top shelf of isle. I hadn’t heard about that before but I decided trying to get it.
Anyway, it was not bad but wasn’t good as much as the ginger ale which I mentioned first. However, there was a funny thing since I came back to Korea at the end of last year. I found an TV-ad of Schweppes while watching tv someday. In the ad, Pierce Brosnan said that Schweppes is a premium beverage from the UK! That’s totally different with my memory which I had saw it in Scotmid whether actually it is or not. I might a marketing strategy but he made me laugh.

Nevertheless, I could enjoy Ginger ale of Schweppes sometimes remembering the scene of Scotmid. It’s good, why not?

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